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Advancements in Machine Learning for Predictive Maintenance in Industrial Systems
Predictive maintenance (PdM) has emerged as a pivotal approach in modern industrial systems, enabling the anticipation and prevention of equipment failures by leveraging advanced data analytics and real-time monitoring. This paper explores recent advancements in the application of machine learning (ML) techniques for predictive maintenance, highlighting their potential to improve operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and extend equipment life. This review emphasizes key machine learning algorithms, their implementation in industrial systems, and the challenges associated with data quality, scalability, and real-time analysis. Finally, the paper discusses future directions and opportunities in the field of predictive maintenance driven by machine learning innovations.
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International Journal of Science and Technology Innovation
Volume (Issue)
3 (1)
Copyright (c) 2024 Thomas Levine (Author)
Open access

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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