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Tackling Non-Communicable Diseases in Emerging Economies: Strategies for Sustainable Interventions
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, and chronic respiratory diseases are increasingly becoming a significant public health challenge in emerging economies. These diseases account for a substantial burden of mortality and morbidity, surpassing infectious diseases in many regions. This paper examines the drivers behind the rising incidence of NCDs in emerging economies and outlines sustainable intervention strategies to tackle these conditions. Key strategies include strengthening healthcare systems, promoting public health awareness, implementing policy measures to reduce risk factors, and leveraging technology for healthcare delivery. By adopting a multi-sectoral approach, emerging economies can effectively address the growing burden of NCDs and mitigate their long-term socio-economic impacts.
Article information
Frontiers in Global Health Sciences
Volume (Issue)
3 (1)
Copyright (c) 2024 John Snowflake (Author)
Open access
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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