Research Article

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Design: Enhancing Creativity and Efficiency


  • Israel Olamilekan Adeleye University of Arkansas, USA


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the design industry, reshaping the way creativity and efficiency are approached in the design process. This paper explores the profound impact AI has on design, highlighting its role in enhancing creativity, improving efficiency, and expanding possibilities through advanced algorithms and machine learning. AI assists designers by automating repetitive tasks, generating new design variations, and providing insights into consumer preferences, thus enabling data-driven and personalized design solutions. However, the integration of AI in design is not without challenges, including concerns about the loss of human touch, ethical implications regarding authorship and intellectual property, and the potential perpetuation of biases present in AI training data. Through a mixed-method research approach involving semi-structured interviews and content analysis, this study investigates how AI serves as a collaborator in the design process, offering valuable insights for leveraging AI to push the boundaries of creativity while addressing ethical and practical challenges. The findings indicate that AI has the potential to revolutionize design by acting as a powerful tool that augments human creativity, enhances productivity, and facilitates personalized user experiences.

Article information


Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Volume (Issue)

3 (1)





How to Cite

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Design: Enhancing Creativity and Efficiency. (2024). Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 3(1), 1-13.


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Artificial Intelligence Creativity Design Generative Design Human-AI Collaboration